Hi! My creative spirit led to me always making room for it in my life, from running calligraphy workshops at Uni to hosting creative spaces in London. Every time I pursue things outside of my art and travel ventures, I find myself longing for it. This scholarship is perfectly aligned with what I’d like to do: Collaborate, create and grow.

  • I spent a week at the St Ives School of Art

    I headed to St Ives for the last week of summer to reconnect with Oil painting and learn a lot more about capturing the right colours in my work. Twas trule an unforgettable experience! Here's how it went ♡ The course: Light and Landscape by Tom Rickman - St Ives School of Painting

  • I found my own style in Arabic Calligraphy

    As a keen traveler and someone that values heritage, maps have always been fascinating to me. I explored using them as a backdrop to Allah’s words about nature, traveling and creation.

  • Showing up for me looks like creative travel

    My website and socials showcase my travel experiences which I always inject with the pursuit of craft, batik painting in Malaysia, Pottery-making in Egypt.. and more!

Why am I applying?

I hope my website showcases that craft, art, creative spaces and travel is what my soul is nourished upon. I need to keep pushing myself and this is what the retreat will allow me to do, I tend to thrive in community and Out Of Office Retreats really aligns with my approach!

Why me?

This retreat feels like it was designed for my creative spirit, one that I have been trying to seek in the way I travel - to locations rich in heritage, history and craft.

My story is one of going it alone as an artist, that’s been the hardest part. The retreat is the perfect inspiring environment to connect with like-minded souls, challenge myself and build on my current foundation in a supportive space. I also see longevity in what I would gain from the retreat - gaining confidence as a creative and being a part of - and a contributor to - the community longer term.

Here’s my 90 second video: